Requirements for the course

The course is conducted completely online through our teaching platform. To make the most of this training course we recommend that you have a pen and paper to hand so that you can make notes as you go through each section.

The course assumes that you have either completed the basic Sitecore Developer Training or have equivalent Sitecore development experience. All students should be comfortable with the following basic Sitecore tasks:

  • Creating templates, renderings and content in Sitecore.
  • Using the basic Sitecore API to interact with the Sitecore Database and pipelines.
  • Experience of developing in Microsoft C#.
  • Using Sitecore MVC and ASP.NET MVC.
  • Concepts of unit testing, DI and IOC.
  • Working in the Sitecore Experience Editor.

During the course you will build a demo site using Sitecore. You can complete the course without building the demo site but we recommend that you spend the time to complete the exercises. They will allow you to properly familiarise yourself with the framework as well as try out your own ideas.

To complete the demo you will need the following:

If during the course you have problems with any parts of the course or need help then please send an email to [email protected] or head over to the Sitecore Slack Community to see if the Sitecore community can help.

Complete and Continue