
Before you can do anything with Glass.Mapper.Sc you need to know how to install Glass.Mapper.Sc.

Installing Glass.Mapper.Sc is a very simple, everything you need can be downloaded from

Installation can be performed via the Nuget package manager by searching for Glass.Mapper.Sc.{version} where version is the version of Sitecore you are using. For example the training site uses Sitecore 9.0 therefore you will need the Nuget packages that contains the number 90:

For a list of Sitecore versions that Glass.Mapper.Sc supports visit the Compatibility Page on the Glass website.

If this is the first time you are installing Glass.Mapper.Sc in your solution you will need to reference the Glass.Mapper.Sc.{version} Nuget package:

The Glass.Mapper.Sc nuget package is the only compulsory step. No additional configuration is required, you can immediately start writing models and mapping data.

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